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Subtitles generated from audio and video, translated into the target language through translation channels, and then dubbed, the translation results obviously directly affect the dubbing effect.


Translation Channels Can Be Divided into Traditional Translation and AI Translation:

  • Traditional Translation: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, deepL, Baidu Translate, Tencent Translate
  • AI Translation: ChatGPT, Gemini, AzureGPT,, a host of domestic AI and local large models

By Charging Situation

  • Free and Unlimited: Google, Microsoft
  • Free Quota: Baidu Translate, Tencent Translate, a host of domestic AI, Gemini
  • Paid: Deepl, ChatGPT, AzureGPT, Gemini

By Whether a Proxy Is Needed

Proxy Required: Google, ChatGPT, Gemini No Proxy Required: Domestic Translation, deepl

Software Supports Two Translation Methods

    1. Only submit the pure text in the subtitles to the translation channel, and replace the original text in the subtitles with the translation result

All traditional translation channels (except Google) use this method

  • Advantages: Ensures that the translation result is a valid SRT subtitle format; saves the number of translated characters.
  • Disadvantages: When the number of lines of the translation result and the original text does not match, it will force a line-by-line translation, leading to loss of context and poor effect.

In this translation method, there may be too many blank lines, and because there are no line numbers, it is impossible to determine which line the blank line belongs to, so it can only be placed at the end, which may lead to subtitle confusion. Therefore, when blank lines appear, it will force a line-by-line translation, losing contextual relevance.

    1. Submit the complete SRT subtitle format to the translation channel, including line numbers, timestamps, and other content that does not need to be translated.
  • Advantages: Better contextual relevance, avoiding too many blank lines.
  • Disadvantages: Wasting tokens; less intelligent AI may return incorrect SRT formats, such as merging the originally separate line numbers into the next line, converting English symbols in the timestamp into Chinese, etc., resulting in the returned result no longer being a legal SRT, causing parsing errors.

This method may still return blank lines, but it does not affect the effect, because the blank lines have legal line numbers and timestamps. It is just that the translation result of this line is merged into the previous line due to semantic association, especially when this line is only one or two words.


By default, AI translation and Google channels use this translation method. Turn on Menu-Tools/Options-Advanced Options-Subtitle Translation-Send complete subtitle content when AI translating, uncheck it, and the first translation method will be used.


Number of Translations at Once


Menu-Tools/Options-Advanced Options-Subtitle Translation-Number of subtitles to translate simultaneously, you can set how many subtitles to translate in batch at a time. The larger the number, the faster the translation, and the better the contextual relevance, but if it is too large, it may exceed the character limit of the corresponding channel, and the number of blank lines may increase.

Summary of Translation Channel Selection

  • Want to freeload completely and without restrictions, first choose Google (requires a proxy), then Microsoft Translator

  • Completely freeload and accept frequency quota restrictions, first choose various domestic AI vendors, such as,,, etc., then Tencent Translate, Baidu Translate, Gemini (requires a proxy)

  • When there is no proxy, first choose domestic AI vendors, then Microsoft Translator, Tencent Translate, Baidu Translate, etc.

  • Want the best results, first choose OpenAI ChatGPT, if you don't have a paid account, you can choose a third-party forwarding API, such as; then Gemini (requires a proxy), then domestic AI vendors

  • Not recommended to use: DeepLx, this is essentially the illegal use of free deepl traffic. Due to the large number of subtitle lines and multiple requests in a short time, local deployment will soon be blocked by deepl's IP and will not be usable.

  • Not recommended to use: Local large model translation, limited by computer resources, locally deployed models are generally small in scale and not intelligent enough, and may result in chaotic translation results. If you insist on using it, please Menu-Tools/Options-Advanced Options-Subtitle Translation-Send complete subtitle content when AI translating, uncheck it, and set the Number of subtitles to translate simultaneously to 5 or less.

  • In extreme cases, want to translate only one line at a time, to ensure that the format is 100% correct and without blank lines, set Menu-Tools/Options-Advanced Options-Subtitle Translation-Number of subtitles to translate simultaneously to 1. To reduce quality in exchange for perfect format.

How to Use a Host of Domestic AI Vendors in the Software

Ensure that the API provided by the vendor is compatible with OpenAI, copy the vendor's API address and SK and model name, and open the software Translation Settings-OpenAI ChatGPT and Compatible API


Fill in the API address specified by the vendor in the API URL, fill in the provided key in the SK, fill in the model name into the large text box, then select in the "Select Model" drop-down box, save after testing without problems.